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  • 主办单位:中国社会科学院语言研究所
  • 国内刊号:11-1052/H
  • 国际刊号:0257-0203
  • 出刊周期:季刊
  • 级别:人文核心(2018年版)|RCCSE(B+)(2020第六版)|科技核心(2020社会科学)|CSSCI来源期刊(2021-2022)|中文核心(2020年版) 复合影响因子:0.513 第一批认定学术期刊| 国家社科基金资助期刊| 不收版面费| 匿名审稿期刊|
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  • 审稿周期:六个月
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Fangyan, sponsored by the Institute of Linguistics, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, was first published by the Commercial Press on February 24th, 1979, and that was the initial issue. Fangyan is the only professional journal for dialect research in Chinese linguistics, as well as is the only professional journal focusing on dialect investigation and research in the linguistics history of the world.
The publication of the initial issue of Fangyan is a historic event in Chinese linguistics history. After the 10 years of Cultural Revolution, the Chinese linguistics began to anabiosis. As an independent branch with a long history of Chinese linguistics, Chinese dialectology came into a brand new period of development. So the start of this journal is one of the iconic events of the development and renaissance of Chinese linguistics in the 20th century.
China is a civilized country with a long history and the Chinese characters, languages and dialects are the carrier and product of Chinese civilizations for thousands of years. This journal, established for Chinese dialects spoken by billions of people, is one of the most important parts of the spread and development of Chinese culture.
Fangyan invites contributions from all over the world and publishes thesis about dialect investigation and research. It has 512 pages one year, which average to 128 pages each issue and 4 issues each year. Each issue is published on 24th in February, May, August and November in Beijing, and is released to the nation.
Fangyan emphasizes facts and investigations and thinks highly of strictness in academic and view exchanging. It focuses on facts and characters of dialects and tries to lead general descriptions to further discussions. important academic thesis and reports of investigations have been published in Fangyan ever since the initial issue was published and this journal also brings up talent in Chinese dialectology and points out the direction of dialectology research. Fangyan has an extensive influence and is a famous journal in the linguistics of the world.








